We read in Mark 15:39, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”
Let us settle in our minds this great truth, that Jesus Christ was verily and indeed Man.
He is equal to the Father in all things, and the eternal God. But He was also Man, and took part of flesh and blood, and was made like unto us in all things – sin only excepted.
He had a body like our own. Like us, He was born of a woman. Like us, He grew and increased in stature. Like us, He was often hungry and thirsty, and faint and weary. Like us, He ate and drank, rested and slept. Like us, He sorrowed, and wept, and felt.
It is all very incredible, but so it is.
He that made the heavens, went to and from as a poor, weary Man on earth!
He who rules over principalities and powers in heavenly places, took on Him a frail body like our own.
He that might have dwelt forever in the glory, which He has with the Father, amidst the praises on legions of angels, came down to earth and dwelt as a Man among sinful men.
Surely this fact alone is an amazing miracle of condescension, grace, pity, and love.