
10 Tips for a Better Marriage

Feb 12, 2024

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With Bob Lepine

You know Bob Lepine as the Family Radio morning host who helps you start your days with biblical wisdom. He’s also an author and a pastor! He has so much wisdom to share, so while husbands and wives around the world are preparing to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d share . . .  

Tip #1 – What makes a marriage work? Why is it so hard to be kind—and how can you be kind to your spouse, even when they don’t deserve it? 

Tip #2 – Do you care more about your car than your marriage? Are you sure? How much time and effort are you investing into your marriage? How can you give your marriage what it really needs? 

Tip #3 – How much does “your talk” affect your marriage? Does your speech to and/or about your spouse corrupt, or build up? 

Tip #4 – Are you fixating on what’s wrong in your marriage instead of being grateful for what’s right? When you come to a difficult spot, what’s keeping your marriage strong? 

Tip #5 – If your marriage were a tree, what would the fruit look like? What fruit would you want to produce? And if you don’t have that fruit, how can you get it? 

Tip #6 – Are you a regular, quick confessor? What’s the proper motive for asking for forgiveness? And why is forgiveness the key to your healing? 

Tip #7 – Is your speech salty enough? Salt gives good flavor—and biblically, salty speech “tastes” better. How can you add salt to your speech? 

Tip #8 – How do you deal with trials that challenge your marriage? Sarah and Matt felt like Job—like they’d lost more than they could handle. Where is hope found in the trials? 

Tip #9 – “How do I fix me?” Maybe that’s the question that will make your marriage thrive.  Hank found it easy to blame his wife, but the Lord kept reminding Hank to point at himself first. 

Tip #10 – Two questions that can transform your marriage: First, “how do you feel?” Second, “Do you want me to fix it, or just listen? 

14 responses to “10 Tips for a Better Marriage

  1. Pastor Bob thank you for that advice!! & thank you for hosting the Morning Program on Family radio!! I Pray for you each day!!

  2. Bob is a very wise person. When I listen to him speak I feel his honesty and commitment to use his gifts to help those of us who need family radio and the encouraging messages. This station is a blessing in my life . Thank God that you are there for all of us who need to hear the word of God daily. Alístair Begg and so many more of the pastors and teachers featured are extremely helpful to me and others. God Bless you all!

  3. Thank you Family Radio for sending this! I will pass it on to my three children, who with their families live in three different countries. In the case of two of my kids
    as preventative medicine, for one of them as a much better life line than I’m able to provide.
    So Thank you and God bless!

  4. Thank you for your Godly guidances. I would like to share these to my daughter and boyfriend who are getting married soon. May I ask for some references for marriage counselors please.
    Thank you so much.

  5. May I have a copy of Bob Lepines e-book Love Like You Mean It. Thank you Family Radio I am so blessed daily as I listen to your Broadcast. I am thank to the Lord to hear Dr. Cook’s Walk With The King, Truth for Life and the entire list of programs and music that help me daily.

  6. I listened carefully thank you for the advice. Unfortunately there’s not an answer that fits my dilemma. I love my husband he’s a great father but he’s not a Christian. We’ve been married for 32 years and there’s adultery in our marriage. He has changed over the years it’s like I lost the loving companion I once knew. Actually I’m reading your ebook on marriage and I’m waiting on the Lord to breathe His life into this marriage. Thank you Mr Bob Lepine.

  7. Just love Bob Lapine’s morning show. Listen to it 5 days a week. These 10 steps to a better marriage are great! Especially. Liked the tip about a marriage being like a tree. What kind of fruit does your marriage bear? That was very insightful. Didn’t realize that Bob has written three books. What an amazing man Mr. Lapine is! May God bless him.

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