We Couldn’t Do It Without YOU!
Our Fall Support Drive is wrapping up tomorrow and we’re hearing from our listeners about all the great things God’s doing through Family Radio.
Family Radio is community supported. We’re committed to giving you God’s Word in a way that comforts you when you’re broken and teaches you how to live with joy. It’s working! God’s Word is going out and the notes of gratitude and testimonies of salvation are coming in.
Thank you for continuing to support us with prayer. Our team is so encouraged by all your calls and messages!
If you’d like to share how Family Radio touches you, please share your story!
P.S. Would you consider sharing us with your family, friends, and church communities? We would love to be a blessing to your community, just as you’ve been a blessing to us.
I have been listening to Family Radio for 44 years. Brother Harold Camping, Harold Hall and others! I still love the Christ-centered music! I remembered a program called Unshackled from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, Illinois. The music has changed somewhat, yet still Christ-centered! The LORD continues to use Family Radio to bring many souls to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! Only eternity will tell how many souls were touched by the ministry of Family Radio! And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9. May God continue to bless Family Radio until JESUS comes again! AMEN!