
Get to Know Jason Frentsos

Apr 06, 2022

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Portrait of Jason Frentsos in the Family Radio Studio

If you listen mid-mornings than you’ve heard wonderful stories and words of encouragement from Jason Frentsos. Turns out Jason has had Family Radio in his life since he was a child. Here’s Jason with more!

Jason Frentsos at the mic in the Family Radio Studio.

“When good habits are developed early in life, they stick with you as an adult. That certainly holds true in my lifelong relationship with Family Radio. Growing up in a quiet, suburban neighborhood about thirty minutes north of New York City, Family Radio was a constant companion in our home. The knobs and dials on our small kitchen radio were irrelevant.

Today, more than thirty years later, living in the northwestern hills of New Jersey with my beautiful wife and children, not much has changed. Family Radio is still that faithful friend right by our side when breakfast is served — while my children do their homework around the kitchen table, or as we pile into the mini-van for an afternoon ride to the local farm.

I had often thought as a kid if one day I might have the opportunity to be a part of the ministry or have a short stint on the air, but never did I think it would be something I do every day. Hosting each morning blesses and challenges me to live up to Jesus’s example of “speaking the truth in love” and directing all my conversation, both on and off the air, back to the Word of God.

When not at work, I enjoy tinkering with machinery (a trait I share with Mr. Conductor from Good News Express™), cooking, gardening, and playing board games with my family. Turning Family Radio on is one of those habits I hope to never break.”

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

16 responses to “Get to Know Jason Frentsos

  1. Thanks Jason for your positive encouraging words; all of the radios in my home & in my SUV, are tuned to Family Radio-love it! ❤😊

  2. Jason, I’ve been listening to you since the days of Charlie and Tom Note. Family Radio has been a huge blessing for me through the years. I’m also in Northwest Jersey. Thank you for everything! Are there any job opportunities with Family Radio? I’ll do anything just to change the course of my career away from the corporate cesspool into a fulfilling work for the Lord.

  3. I Enjoy Jason every week day morning and Saturdays.. and he does a Good job on Sundays in the Morning.. Our Day of Worship!! jason is Like a Awsome friend to me. I Hope to meet him some day!!

  4. I get to work with Jason every day at Family Radio….and it’s a true joy to do so! His humble faith inspires me, and the love he has for his family always seems to be at the forefront of everything he does. What a good man…..and what a faithful follower of Jesus. God bless you, brother.

  5. Jason, thank you for your encouraging, uplifting words and beautiful music! My husband and I listen to you on our Alexa in the kitchen in the center of our Home. May you, your family and Family Radio be richly Blessed by God.

  6. hello Jason, this is Pasquale the Italian translator from 20 years ago. Glad to hear that everything is well. God bless you,

  7. Your Bible Jason says that God raised his servant (Acts 3:26) and my Bible says God raised his Son (Acts 3:26)
    these are completely different words in the English Language. Servants have Masters, Sons have Fathers etc.
    I keep hearing on family radio that Gods word never changes??? Isn’t this a very significant change regarding the most important person in the entire Bible. Arent the words of God like silver tried in a furnace 7 times (Psalm 12.)?

    They both can’t be right……one is right and one is wrong. All (100%) of early English Bibles have “Son” in Acts 3:26 ….The Tyndale, the Geneva, the Great Bible, the KJV…..are You saying they were all wrong and your modern translation based on Westcott and Hort greek to English using corrupted Vatican manuscripts is right??

    1. Hi Richard, the Word of God doesn’t change, but the English language does. There is not a single English translation out there that is perfect. And the issue you bring up is only an issue if you take the verse by itself and try to come up with theology based on it alone. As always you need to look in context and compare Scripture with Scripture. So in this case the entire Chapter is clearly talking about Jesus. Luke and Acts go together and there are several places in Luke where says Jesus is the Son of God and later in Acts it does as well. And more importantly, Jesus is refereed to as God’s servant several times in scripture. You can find it prophetically in Isaiah 53 and other places in the new testament like Philippians 2:7. Hope that helps!

  8. I told several of your Encourage-Mint stories at our VBS this year, pairing them with Bible stories and the Gospel. The kids loved them and asked for more! So, we created a mailing list to send these precious young people more stories about Jesus throughout the year. 285 kids, a big VBS for our rural community. Thank you for the idea and the inspiration!

  9. Hello….I have listened to Family Radio for many years and enjoy the upbeat and faithful music as it is all very touching. Mom died suddenly two years ago and she loved all the music as it reminded her of mass…now, it reminds me of her. She was stellar and a true giver. In a way, she lives on through your beautiful music.
    Keep up the great work!

  10. Jason. Thank you for serving God through family Radio. Your insight of the Words of Christ really makes the words enjoyable, digestible, enlivening our trouble soul. Thank you to you and your family for being a giver and true inspiration to love God.

  11. Jason, God has used you to make a positive difference in my life. Thank you for being yielded to Him when you could obviously make much more money as a news anchor. I am thankful for all you do.

  12. This morning I heard “Blessed Assurance” on FR which was one of my good friend, George Frentsos, favorite Hymn. Immediately after the hymn, I heard Jason. What a Blessing for me. I knewJason when he was a little boy. His wonderful father George loved Family radio and the ministry immensely. I first met George at Grace Baptist Church where we became very good friends and George encouraged me to join him in the Gideon ministry. George was so proud of Jason and wanted Jason to be part of Family Radio. George must be so proud of Jason’s accomplishments and especially of being a Christian and the assurance that one day they will be together again. Love you Brother Jason, Tony

  13. So thankful to God for you Jason…you never fail to give encouraging words…may His face always shine upon you and yours.

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