
Showing Pastor Appreciation!

Oct 12, 2023

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How has your pastor blessed you? Evening meetings, counseling sessions, weddings and funerals, Sunday service preparation—the list goes on! How can you bless your pastor? Brian Kluth, national spokesperson for the Bless Your Pastor Movement, talks about how you can show care and support for your pastor.  Join the Bless Your Pastor Movement today!

4 responses to “Showing Pastor Appreciation!

  1. Hi Family Radio!
    I have just listened to Brian Kluth, the national spokesman for the Bless Your Pastor Movement. Our pastor who has been as long the pastor in my present home church, that I have been a member there (about twenty years) prayerfully followed God’s leading to pastor a sister church, and so he and his whole wonderful family of course left with him. We now have an interim pastor who in my mind is spot on what we as a congregation need right now and into the future. I would really like to find ways that we can encourage
    this dear man to stay here and be our ordinary (= extra-
    ordinary) pastor!

  2. Good morning, My name is Sandy hausner, I would like to give a thankyou to my pastor.,Pastor Matt Robinson who shepards us at Bethlehem church in bowleysquarters,MD.He is such a awesome preacher that through his message it is easy to apply it to my life
    When I was searching for a new church home , I was led here an ihave never left 6years after being at my old church for over 30.PastorMatt has a special gift of reaching people where they are. No matter what backdround or situations he is always available He serves the Lord whole heartedly He Is compssionate about reaching all of us and our community .He always makes time to talk to you an wants to really get to know you.He loves the Lord an you knowi it you feel it when you walk through our doors. I Thank God everyday for blessing my life through pastor Matt and my church family. We believe an say always, simply Jesus.Thankyou for allowing me to recognize him and share.

  3. Please acknowledge my Pastor PaulAgardOf Christ Tabernacle Christian Fellowship . This Man Of God Is a True Shepherd He is the GOAT of all Pastors I speak 1st Thessalonians 5:12. Over my Pastor . I Bless my Pastor.

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