Join Family Radio and Operation Christmas Child to Share the Gospel with Children Around the World!
Six bucks can get you a decent cup of coffee on your way to work. You know what else six bucks will get you? The opportunity to share the Gospel with at least one child. The Greatest Journey is a 12-lesson course, teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ to kids around the world. Not only do these children hear the Gospel, but they’re also taught how to share the Gospel!
Every child who finishes The Greatest Journey receives their very own New Testament in their own language. This program reaches far more than just one child at a time. If you know God’s love, then you know it’s contagious. These young disciples, all around the world, cannot wait to share Jesus with their family and friends.
Consider using your next six dollars to transform a child’s life! Spread the love of Jesus Christ through The Greatest Journey by donating today!