
Veterans in the Bible

Nov 10, 2022

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Did you know that there are Veterans in the Bible? 

It’s true! In the Old Testament, God gave the nation of Israel the gift of Levites. The Levites would serve in the tent of meeting, assisting the priests so that the nation could worship.  

At 50 years old, Levites were promoted to a new service: assisting their brothers. Having reached an age when strength and eyesight had diminished, such qualities as wisdom and mentorship were even more valuable to the community. 

On Veterans Day, as you appreciate those who have faithfully served, remember to think of practical ways to show your gratitude. Ask a vet for wisdom, seek some council. Buy their lunch, hear their story. If you give yourself the opportunity to bless a veteran, you will certainly receive more than you give. 

5 responses to “Veterans in the Bible

  1. Thanks for giving me something to look up! The little pieces are remarkable, and see like Paul commissioner of Timothy, and with sound basis beyond mortal opinion.

  2. In all wars from the Bible till now there are conflicts and lost of lives. My son was in the Iraq War and war scares me to this day. The Bible is remarkable in telling of these conflicts. God Bless everyone!

    1. I only had an uncle in a war on my side of the family but my husband’s father did serve in the military during the Korean War – then on to serve in the Air Force until 1969; But I had never really connected the battles in the Old Testament especially about a veteran – until just studying Joshua again and realizing yes he was a veteran first. Then became Israel’s leader into the Promised Land! God bless you Julie with your fam.

  3. As a veteran myself, I appreciate knowing about fellow veterans in the Bible … nice to know that “older” leaders/followers have value and worth in God’s Kingdom. My “salute” and thanks 🙏 to All Veterans who have served their country and their God ! -Amen-

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