
Welcome Doug Hannah

Apr 27, 2023

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Doug Hannah has joined Family Radio as the new afternoon host. Doug brings over 40 years of Christian radio talent and experience to Family Radio. 

Doug shares his thoughts on this new assignment, “In bold letters, literally on the wall at the Family Radio studios, is Romans 10:17: So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of God.  God — The Holy Spirit — promises to be at work whenever His word is spoken. Family Radio takes this seriously, and everything they do goes beyond mere entertainment. It is why I am so glad to co-labor with them. I cannot wait. For me, this is a calling.”

Doug will start at Family Radio from 2-6pm EDT/1-5pm PDT beginning Monday, May 1st.

10 responses to “Welcome Doug Hannah


  2. Thank you, Doug for being such an encouragement every day! You seem to say exactly what I need to hear on a daily basis! My favorite was “mom up!” haha! This is just one of the MANY ways you have impacted my family in a good way! Thank you for being a voice of wisdom and a voice of encouragement. Blessings!

  3. Welcome to Family Radio! They are a truly special blessing to my life and so many others. It will be exciting to see how God blesses us even more with your unique talents and contributions.

  4. Thank you for keeping me company, Doug. Your words and the Word of God are my comfort. Thank you.

  5. i am a Message radio listener and miss the
    thought provoking comments Doug always has before and after a song. Is the family radio on XM radio?

  6. Great Announcer and spirited Apostolos. I will listen to his shows no matter what STATION it originates from. God bless him, as we all can see God is not done with him yet, Best wishes on your new journey.

  7. Belated welcome to you Brother. I have been listening to FR for a very long time.

    I admire your style, manner and the very practical and down-to-earth way in which you come across to your listening audience.
    No sugar-coating, no ultra pious stuff from you; just the word of God which is what we need.

    Thanks again. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless your worthy ministry.
    Blessings and Love in Christ.

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