
You Are Part of the Family!

Apr 04, 2022

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Family Radio Staff Smiling

The smiling faces you see in the photo above are just some of the men and women that work at Family Radio. We all come from different backgrounds, but there is one thing we all have in common—we love Jesus and want more people to know Him and become part of His family!

Our Spring Support Drive is April 4-8. We are listener supported, so your gifts enable us to share the hope of Jesus with people across the country and around the world. Please pray for our Spring Support Drive. Pray that our listeners will be blessed by giving. Pray that God will use their gifts to reach more people with His saving grace! And if God puts it on your heart, please give!

Thank you for being part of Family Radio!

P.S. If you have any words of encouragement for the staff and announcers, we’d love to hear them in the comments below!

12 responses to “You Are Part of the Family!

  1. I leaned about our lord and savior though listening to family radio and thank God for you and your ministry that sends out the Gospel to a lost and dying world I never might have been saved if I had not heard the word of god my. God bless and keep you until his near appearing.
    In my prayers.
    Love you all

    1. Wow! As you know our goal is to reach more people with the Gospel. So hearing that we directly ministered to you is so encouraging. Anthony, thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you for bringing back FR to NYC. FR is helping me get closer to the Lord. During my mom’s transition from this esrth a year ago FR was her comfort. I thank the Lord there’s a station like yours where we can hear the Word of God. The music, scriptures, the teachings are a balm to my soul. “Id rather have Jesus, Turn your eyes upon Jesus”, to name a few…Love you guys.

  3. During the pandemic I began to feel more isolated and stressed. Work was becoming overbearing even though I was able to work from home. I started putting on Family Radio in the background very low while I worked. A peace settled on my house and myself and my wife while we heard the music and words of truth gently speak to our hearts. Thank you so much. Now I don’t just played family radio during work but all the time at home and in my car. While listening I can feel God’s Peace overcome the noise and distractions of this world.

  4. Greeting to the Family Radio staff I recently Relocated to this location. I was tuning in for Christian services and found your station. It has been a blessing this is all my wife and myself listen during the night and morning hours.

    We listen out for the quiz this is one of our favorite, Bless you Mr. Jim Smith keep up the good work.

  5. I really. Appreciate. You all at the station. I wake and sleep. With. You all. I love the song turn your eyes on Jesus. When ever I am feeling low in spirit I sit and. Enjoy your program the. Lord is using this. Platform. To. Encourage his people. In these trying. Time. The spirit of God is. Truly present and alive. True your. Minister thanks for. Spreading the gospel and. Keeping us. Focus on the Lord Jesus Christ return 🙏 🙌 proverbs. 17 :17. Your love consists

  6. I love listening to Family Radio -it’s the first thing I put on in the morning -It helps me in my worship time with the Lord – I also leave it on the Alexa app most of the day – the music selections you play are both traditional and so uplifting – and I love the scripture reminders all through the day – I enjoy the stories that people have called in and comments from all the broadcasters – such as Jim Smith and Jason Frentsos etc – I used to volunteer for Moody Bible radio when I lived in Florida – Christian radio is very much responsible for me coming to the Lord 25 yrs ago !!! Praise God for your new station in New York !!

  7. Thanks. I have strength in life every day when listening the riches sermon and beautiful songs on family radio. Thank you Lord Jesus.

  8. Greetings Team Family Radio, Spring is upon us, by the Fathers grace our light shines. The folks with Family Radio are making life brighter for so many. The on air stories testify to your loving gospel ministry. I’am encouraged that for every shared story there are many more examples unspoken. May God continue to bless and use your good works and please recognize them as your spiritual worship, that will last forever. i’am getting new glasses soon, This caused me to recall all the good I see in Family Radio. To name a few, amazing music, God honoring testimony, Christ centered teaching, inspiration to worship and pray. Let us not forget the opportunity to support your Spring Drive. Be of good courage and carry on in Christ Jesus.

  9. Family Radio has the most wonderful music and messages. Some of the music is from years ago and you have many very beautiful songs I had not heard before but they all are a blessing in my life every day. Thank You for doing God’s work.

  10. Earlier this year, I needed to “turn off the noise” of the world and started listening to Family Radio all day at my desk. Being able to worship God as sang along during my work day and to receive biblical instruction from the ministry programs you share changed my life! I felt the calling of the Holy Spirit to serve the Kingdom of God. and recently began a Master of Divinity program to preparing for ministry.! Your radio ministry inspired me to embrace the Great Commission and become a “fisher of men”.

    Today I became a financial partner with Family Radio with a recurring donation to help you reach more souls to share the Word of God with them. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so, and may God bless your ministry!

    1. Wow, Teresa that is so encouraging! We’ll be praying for your studies and your work for the Lord And thank you so much for becoming a recurring donor and supporting the work God is doing! 🙂

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