
Your Top Ten Family Radio Songs

Aug 31, 2022

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Recently we asked listeners to vote on their favorite Family Radio songs. Hundreds of listeners replied so it took us a bit longer to put the list together than we thought. Ask and you shall receive, right?!  Well, we finally have the answers. Which songs made the top ten list? Let’s take a look!

#10 In Christ Alone by Keith and Kristen Getty

I love how this song displays so many examples of who God isour Comforter, our Strength, our Cornerstone, our Solid Ground. These descriptions paint a beautiful picture in our hearts of what God has done for us and who God continues to be. A gorgeous rendition of this song that should be heard every day!

#9 Be Thou My Vision by Selah

This is a wonderful hymn to pray. As you listen to the words, pray them to your Father! Whatever your heart and flesh desires may not be what is best for you. I pray that God will be your vision today.

#8 Great Is Thy Faithfulness by Danny Byrum

Another song about God’s faithfulness! Can we ever hear that truth enough? God will provide in every season of your life. He has shown His faithfulness through and through!

#7 He Will Hold Me Fast by Selah

Remember that even though you are ever-changing, God is everlasting. He never changes as He waits on you. This version has some great harmony that all ears will enjoy!

#6 He Will Hold Me Fast by Keith & Kristen Getty

It’s no wonder this song got voted on twicewhat a beautiful version! Our Savior will hold you fast, never changing His mind, never letting go. How comforting is that?!

#5 Blessed Assurance by Larry Mayfield Orchestra

This is a fantastic praise and worship song! God deserves our praise every minute of every day. What sweet assurance that Jesus is ours. Don’t be afraid to shout your story today!

#4 Come Thou Fount by Fernando Ortega

This song is a wonderful picture of divine grace. The Lord bought us with His precious blood and rescues us from danger repeatedly. This version allows reflection on the words during the instrumentals, and what profound words they are!

#3 My Redeemer is Faithful and True by Steven Curtis Chapman

We all struggle in different areas of our lives. We should all agree that our Redeemer is faithful and true. This song will remind you that God’s plan is the best plan, and He always follows through!

#2 Lamb of God by Chrystal Sea Orchestra

Jesus was completely sin-freeperfect! He was pure, just like the spotless lambs that were sacrificed as blood offerings. Singing abut the Lamb of God is a great way to remember the sacrifice Jesus is for you!

And the hymn voted as the #1 favorite from our audience is….

Holy, Holy, Holy by Sovereign Grace

This song is a little taste of heaven! Hearing all the voices come together to sing about our holy Lord is almost overwhelming. God is nothing short of holy and this song is a great reminder!

So, what do you think? You can always cast your votes and ratings to hear your favorite Family Radio hymns and songs by joining the Family Radio listener advisory board. We look forward to hearing from you there!

20 responses to “Your Top Ten Family Radio Songs

  1. Dear Family Radio! Thank you for Our day of worship on sunday’s.. I Enjoy the Old choirs and solo’s and hymns and I enjoy The Bible study hour with the late Dr. James Boice!! Sunday is my favorite day to listen!

  2. I Notice that Family Radio has in the past year and a half began mixing in Softer Adult Contemporary Christian songs by Today’s singers into the format. Before that there was very little of that type of song. In the past some early Contemporary Christian singers were played maybe once an hour. Now singers you hear on K Love now are being played on Family Radio. Still Family Radio is selective about cuts being played. Nothing uptempo and no love songs and no “fun type” songs that are clean but not overly Christian get played. Family Radio is still sticking to worship type songs. We now hear far less Melody 4, George Beverly Shea, Mahalia Jackson, Dick Anthony Quartet type songs.

    1. I enjoy Family Radio every day! I would like to hear some of the older songs sung by George Beverly Shea also, i.e., I’d Rather Have Jesus!

      I have also enjoyed the more contemporary hymns, many were new to me, but I have been blessed by them too, e.g., Bow The knee.

      Thank you, Marilyn O’Neill


  3. Blessings by Laura Story is a beautiful song and a blessing to hear every time I listen to it!

  4. My wife and I like the style of songs you play. The only wish we have is that you would play more songs like this. We have noticed that we hear the same songs, either by the same artists or by different artists nearly every day, sometimes two days in a row. Can you expand your Playlist and put new songs in? We like your style of music, just more songs, please! Thanks!

  5. I enjoy the music on Family Radio (FR), and especially love when I hear something old from the past play again. I also like the addition of some of the new contemporary songs. Overall, FR is close to my heart and I will always listen. One day I heard the song He Would Hold Me Fast played three times in one hour and I wondered what happened! I love the songs: Wash Me Now, Be Ye Holy, There Is A Redeemer, and many other nice ones. Throwing in some of the oldies every now and then from decades ago (quartet, Gaithers, etc) would broaden my smile for sure. : )

  6. I’m only 41 but I grew up with my dad listening to family radio when I was very young. I really miss hearing more of the traditional hymns or instrumental songs Family Radio used to play exclusively. I think the station should hold on to the “old” songs, as it’s literally the only place on the radio to hear such music. If someone wants more contemporary, let them go to KLove.
    Just my opinion- but I would love more support from those longing to hear the traditional music. I’ve emailed the station about this several different times over the years with never a reply or even acknowledgement that I wrote.

  7. I love all those songs.
    I also love “Holy Spirit you are welcome here”.. if that’s the title… all songs of the need for the things above .. Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a reassurance of our dependency and gladness that we receive this Grace from above.

  8. You have played Goodness of God /God is so Good. Who is that recording by? I have searched YouTube but I have not had any success in finding it. Can you help me, please?

      1. Goodness of God that Family Radio plays is the version that is sung by JEN JOHNSON. You can find it on Apple Music.

  9. We love Family Radio and look forward each morning to the music!

    We love the traditional songs – we have noticed some contemporary songs mixed in .
    Our hope is that the contemporary songs do not start to take over.

    We want to be able to keep listening to Family Radio – there’s nothing much else
    out there to listen to.

    Thank you so much for being there for us!

  10. Praise God for Family Radio! I am blessed I have this God Honoring station to listen to 24hrs a day! I like most the music played on Sunday. I even like the music played back in 2016. It would be nice to hear more of the old music throughout the day. A favorite of mine is “There Is A River” Scott Smith. Do you think you can play it from time to time? Thank You All Family Radio!

  11. We used to listen to Family Radio all the time, really looked forward to it. Bur we quit listening to it sometime ago when we noticed that the music was totally changing. Shows a worldly mentality, trying to keep up with the changing times!!! We don’t care at all for contemporary! We enjoyed listening when you played only God-honoring music that pointed you to Christ, not to the individual singer, that are more like wordly performers!

  12. Thankyou Family Radio have been listening to you from 2016 on. Before that time, I didn’t have you in my listening area. (Upstate New York). So much love is pouring out from your station. About the music, my parents met and married from the church choir. Singing has always been a big part of our lives. They’re both gone now but enjoyed listening to you right to the end.” Sunday morning organ and choir music really hit our hearts. My favorite song to sing right now is “Way Maker.” Have so many favorites on FR it’s hard to choose. My Reverand used to end our church service with this line. “Keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

  13. Who sings the Farther Along medley played on Christian radio. It’s a woman singing in the beginning and then a man singing later in the song. I can’t find it online.

  14. I heard a song while driving today and would love to find it again.
    It had the scripture “Unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain…”
    It was a male solo, and he had quite a bit of vibrato. Reminded me of a young Ken Medema.
    Can you help me?
    Also, is there anywhere on the website that shows your playlists?
    There are so MANY songs I would love to hear again that I hear while driving.
    Family radio is hitting the mark. Nice mix of genres. Don’t change anything.
    Love ya!!!

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