Daily Manna

with Pastor Jamie Crampton

Pastor Jamie Crampton is passionate about making worship central because God is central. He believes that the grace of God in Jesus nourishes every aspect of the Christian life—discipleship, fellowship, service, and mission all flow from a heart transformed by worship. Guided by Scripture, he leads others in reading, singing, preaching, and praying God’s word, as well as seeing it in water, bread, and wine. His ministry is rooted in the conviction that worship isn’t just one part of the Christian life—it’s the wellspring that nourishes everything else. This conviction is at the heart of Daily Manna with Pastor Jamie, where he helps listeners feast daily on the truth of God’s Word, drawing them deeper into worship and the grace that sustains every moment of life.

8 responses to “Daily Manna

  1. I look forward to hearing Daily Manna with Jamie Crampton every morning. His fresh insights on God’s Word are priceless pearls of wisdom that I gladly meditate upon throughout my day and share with my wife when she comes home from work. Thank you Pastor Jamie and may God continue to bless you richly for sharing your God-given gift of preaching God’s Word so eloquently!

  2. Jamie’s devotional teaching is such a sweet way to draw near to the Lord through His Word each morning. I’ve recommended our son and daughter have their young families listen at breakfast. Or at supper or close of day. The teaching is deep yet simple, at a good pace, opening the depths of what to some is a complicated book, Hebrews. I’m loving it as daily manna for my soul. Thank you, Family Radio, for airing this as another way to keep our eyes and hearts on Jesus.

  3. On my phone’s Family Radio app, there is an episode of this podcast listed with the title ‘God’s Rest’ on Mar 10. But I cannot play it. I noticed it’s not listed on your website. Can you find out why that episode is not playing or missing? Thanks!

  4. Reflecting on the March 20th message, “Author of Eternal Salvation”. Pastor Jamie’s intro says ,”We are saved by our obedience.” I am saved only by Christ’s righteousness, his perfect obedience. I follow his commands as king of my life I obey him. My obedience does not save me.

    1. Hello Charles!
      Thank you so much for this comment, and we’re glad you’re enjoying our podcasts!
      I’d like to encourage you to go back and listen to this episode again. I just re-listened to it and have confirmed Pastor Jamie’s stated position–we are saved by Christ’s obedience. He also says later in this episode that we inherit His obedience. The obedience that saves us, as you’ve said, is Christ’s obedience. If you listen again to “Author of Eternal Salvation,” I believe you’ll find that Pastor Jamie agrees with you!

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