This Christian Life

This Christian Life is dedicated to sharing true stories that show God working in people’s lives. These stories will encourage you, bring you hope, and help you find the joy in this Christian life.

If you have a story you’d like to tell, submit your story here!

31 responses to “This Christian Life

  1. Thank you Family Radio for sharing my testimony! I pray this testimony brings hope to others who are sick with COVID 19. I pray for their families to have peace and know that God has everything under control. Have a blessed day! Chaplain Manny



  3. enjoying music, love the choirs, older stuff mostly. Also today just listened to 2 podcasts…a blessing, thank you

  4. These are such wonderful stories of God’s faithfulness and love for us! I look forward to hearing many more!

  5. I like the On Demand options so that I can hear the programs when it fits my schedule.
    My husband has dementia. so I rarely have but a few minutes without interruption.
    The older hymns are a balm to my situation. God bless each of you at Family radio.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with the Lord. You took a long trip and were a hard nut to crack for him. But well worth the trip. God bless you.

  7. You should know that your transparency helps tremendously to our once wounded souls Sis, thank you for your obedience to the Lord Gid to share your heart! More more of this people!!

  8. I don’t know whether this story is from encouragement or this Christian life but I would like to get an audio file about the non-christian whose wife died and then walked all night. After that, his neighbor, who walked behind him, invited him out for breakfast. After that the nn-christian started going to church, because of the impact his neighbor had.

  9. My Family Radio story follows. At the time I started listening, I was searching for a station that played hymns & sacred music as that is my preferred genre of Christian music & it is a thing of the past at my church & not very prevalent on the radio either. So when I wanted to listen I found myself turning to Family Radio. However that only lasted until the next sermon came over the airwaves. You see, I wasn’t enthralled with everything folks at this station believe. But I kept listening because I loved the music & could find a steady diet of it nowhere else. The more I listened, the sermons were not so objectionable. Then I finally found myself actually agreeing with some things I heard until one day i was leaving the station on all the time. So perhaps I am a convert.

  10. The story I am looking for about the guy who walked all night was introduced by Jim Smith.

  11. How can I download these episodes? I’m old, but I still have an mp3 player that I like to listen to while working.

    1. Hi Terry! On the player controls there is a button that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it. That is the “Share” option. But when you click it it will give you the option to download the episode. The button for download looks like an open box with an arrow pointing down into it. Hope that helps!

  12. Hi, I was looking for ways to download a podcast episode aired on December 30th at night ‘The Collision of Suffering & …’ to share Gospel with a Buddhist neighbor.
    It was about how God transformed and saved a Buddhist person, I need a downloaded copy to share.
    Would you please upload the episode / does anyone know how download from anywhere else?
    Thank you (& Happy new year to you all)

    1. Hi Sami, We don’t actually air This Christian Life on the radio. It’s only available as a podcast. And episode “The Collision of Suffering & Faith” isn’t about a Buddhist. So I’m not sure what story you are referring too. But we do have an episode called “Free Love True Love” about a Hippie that I think is a Buddhist. You can listen to it at this link and send it to your friend if it’s the right one
      We’ll be praying for you as you witness to your neighbor!

  13. Family radio this morning on the app said there was a new episode on This Christian Life.
    It is not available. Why?
    It was a story about a kindergarten boy who cam home and said God did not exist or something like that and it’s the dad’s story. Thank you for your help.

  14. i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these podcasts! Great stories, professionally produced. So encouraging and memorable.

  15. The stories are so inspiring, and strengthen my life. I have never took the time to listen this, until few days ago, I liked them, hold my attention and cried to listen and touch my heart. Thank you.

  16. I tried searching for past episodes using the search box & wasn’t successful. In Des Moines right now there is a “commercial” airing on Family Radio about “This Christian Life” that highlights four or five past episodes. What I can remember of these synopses follows: 1) I believe Mom loved boys more than girls (Oh my entire life makes sense). 2) If the way I live my life doesn’t put in any better standing with God, I’ll go live like the rest of the world. 3) I started running through the park I was tired of God & Satan. I would like to listen to all of the stories highlighted on that “commercial.” Can you help me?

    1. We are working on them 🙂 It takes a lot of work. Over 40hrs of work per episode. And we have a small team.

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