Tag: Ministry

Nov 10, 2022

Veterans in the Bible

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Did you know that there are Veterans in the Bible? It’s true! In the Old Testament, God gave the nation of Israel the gift of Levites. The Levites would serve in the tent of meeting, assisting the priests so that the nation could worship. Read more...
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Nov 09, 2022

Peanut Butter Temptations

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Temptation surrounds us, as even Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan. But God is faithful, as it is written in 1 Corinthians 10:13. He won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. However, Diane from Iowa is tempting all of us at Family Radio with her delectable cookie recipe! Thankfully, giving in to these cookies in moderation isn’t a sin!
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Nov 08, 2022

Amish Corn Bread

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What is one thing you couldn’t live without when it comes to food around the holiday season? Diane from Iowa says this corn bread recipe is simply the best. You can either take her word for it or make it and try it yourself! You never know, you might just have a new “favorite” around your table!
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Nov 07, 2022

Every Year-End Gift Matters!

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December is a critical time for non-profit organizations like Family Radio. What happens between Giving Tuesday and the end of the year often determines what an organization like ours can plan for the following year. That’s why your year-end gift is so important! Every gift matters—even a small, recurring gift helps many people around the world grow in their faith.
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Nov 07, 2022

Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings

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Orlin recently shared his Sweet and Sour Chicken Wing recipe with us and now we’d like to share it with you! Perhaps you can invite someone over who needs to be shown God’s love and make this recipe to share. A lot of times, a full belly is accompanied by a full heart!
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