

Aug 07, 2017

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Oh, the joys of attending summer camp as a kid! The nonstop games and activities, food and friends, music, laughter, silliness – making enough memories to last a lifetime. I recently got to relive my childhood as a counselor at a beautiful Christian camp in the Santa Cruz mountains. Seven sunny days, eight junior high girls in my cabin, and nein hours of sleep each night (as in, German for “no”).

Just kidding. I did get a little sleep (emphasis on little). One of the girls – a chatty, adorable twelve-year-old – never stopped talking. Not even in her sleep. It was rather impressive!

My goal for the week was to help the girls make those memories and build those friendships. But most importantly, I prayed they would grow closer to God as they learned about Him. The camp put on a wonderful program of skits, messages, and devotions that we were able to discuss during small group time.

The theme of the week was “God’s love makes us found.” We focused in on Luke 15, which tells us the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. These stories all have the same ending: celebration! What was once lost, now became found, and that is reason for Father God to celebrate!

A lot of the time, we don’t get to see the fruit of our labor. We diligently plant seeds and leave the rest in God’s hands. But last week, God blessed me with seeing the girls flourish. They grew confident in worshiping Him through music, raising their hands to praise their Savior. They hungered for the Word, peppering me with questions almost faster than I could show them the answers. Two of the girls even professed faith in Christ for the first time! These sacred moments filled my eyes with tears and my heart with joy.

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Praise the Lord for the work of His Holy Spirit!


Life can be hard. There’s so much bad out there in the world. It can get discouraging. But instead, we can help each other focus on the fact that God is still at work! He moves in our hearts and minds, and that’s reason for us to celebrate together!

“We should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.” Luke 15:32

Share in the comments below a time when God has blessed YOU with seeing the fruit of your labor or given you reason to rejoice!

Jessie Chamberlain
Family Radio Staff

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