
Who Is This Jesus?

Jun 11, 2024

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If someone asks you the question, “Who is Jesus, anyway?” how might you answer? It’s one of the most important questions anyone can ask—and the Bible has clear answers for you to give! Hear more on this two-part series from Pastor John MacArthur.

2 responses to “Who Is This Jesus?

  1. John MacArthur just gave me one of those interesting moments. I have listened to your broadcasts on Family radio regularly and other radio programs for many years. I thought I knew what you looked like based on; I don’t know what. A picture in my mind based on someone else I saw and heard long ago or just the picture my mind created for your voice. I get email from family radio and today clicked on your podcast. Interesting moment seeing the real John MacArthur with the voice instead of the picture of the man I have listened to for so long.

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