Terms of Use

Loam Media, Inc., or Family Radio freely offers to anyone use of all audio and or written content on this Website for one’s private use. All content can be heard, read or downloaded without charge, as long as it is to be used for private or non-commercial use. Use of any content contained in this Website is not to be sold or marketed for any reason.

Family Radio has operated upon the principle Jesus taught in Matthew 10:8 …freely ye have received, freely give.

All contents of this Website are not to be misused or copied except for personal edification, learning or to be freely given to others for their learning or edification. Audio Bible readings are not to be taken for use on any other Website or sold to third parties.

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Your Email Address Family Radio will protect and hold your personal email information in the strictest confidence. Loam Media, Inc., has never nor will ever sell or supply any other party, organization or individual with your email address without your prior consent.